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青训U18比赛报道:利物浦在联赛主场输给狼队。周六,替补出场的凯罗尔·菲格罗亚和乔·布拉德肖的下半场进球未能阻止利物浦 U18 队在柯比学院以 4-2 击败狼队。

发布时间:2024-04-30 18:33 作者:jrs直播 阅读:
青训U18比赛报道:利物浦在联赛主场输给狼队。周六,替补出场的凯罗尔·菲格罗亚和乔·布拉德肖的下半场进球未能阻止利物浦 U18 队在柯比学院以 4-2 击败狼队。(图1)

客队在 U18 英超北区比赛中开局很快,在 16 分钟内就取得了两分领先,并在下半场一开始就取得了第三分。菲格罗亚缩小了比分差距,但狼队在两分钟内又取得了第四分,看起来从未真正放弃对比赛的控制布拉德肖在补时阶段进球,为这位 15 岁边锋替补出场的 45 分钟打进了比赛,尽管结果几乎没有疑问。狼队在早期阶段表现得更加犀利,当他们领先时也就不足为奇了。第 11 分钟取得领先。康纳·麦克劳德在红军禁区边缘获得了太多空间,适时地一脚低角度射门越过了内森·莫拉纳并入网角落。不到 5 分钟,红军就领先 2 分。右路传中的球瞄准了后门柱上的三名狼队球员,当伊曼纽尔·艾罗博马试图解围时,他只能将球高高地射入自己的球门。利物浦终于动起来了,是拉内尔·扬(Ranel Young)以一记漂亮的进球领先。 第 20 分钟,他冲刺远离所有人,但被门将路易斯·本杰明挡出,因为他试图绕过他完成射门。照片尼克·泰勒 (Nick Taylor)

Morana made a good low save to deny Testimony Igbinoghene before Young looked to have a strong shout for a penalty turned away as he was hauled down in the box.Marc Bridge-Wilkinson reacted to the deficit with a pair of half-time changes – Bradshaw and Josh Sonni-Lambie arriving from the bench.But Wolves threatened first in the second period as Minkyu Ji blasted over from a good position and Luke Rawlings shot straight at Morana.Liverpool left-back Harry Evers used his potent throw to release Kieran Morrison behind the defence, but Bradshaw couldn’t control his fierce cross.Just before the hour mark, Wolves looked to have made the game safe as substitute Makenzie Bradbury collected a through ball, turned a defender and finished past Morana to make it 3-0.Figueroa arrived from the bench for Liverpool and with just under 20 minutes left he gave the Reds some hope.Morrison fired in a trademark shot from the edge of the box and when Benjamin saved, Figueroa was on hand to calmly finish into the empty net.Hope of a comeback lasted just two minutes, however, as Wolves grabbed a fourth – Fraser Harper’s lofted drive giving Morana no chance.Morrison and Bradshaw finished the game brightly for Liverpool on both wings and the latter deserved his goal in injury time, heading home at the back post from a deep Airoboma cross.TEAMLiverpool U18s: Morana, Pitt, Evers, Furnell-Gill, Airoboma, K. Kelly (Bradshaw, 46), Laffey, Morrison, Ahmed (Sonni-Lambie, 46), Young (Figueroa, 62), Onanuga.Unused substitutes: Hall, Lonmeni.NEXT UP The U18s complete their 2023-24 campaign with a trip to Derby County on Saturday May 11. The contest kicks off at 12.30pm BST and can be watched live on LFCTV GO.






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